
Law Firm in Tunisia

The lawyer in Tunisia plays a crucial role in the judicial system, acting as a pillar of justice and fairness. This legal professional is essential to the protection of individual rights and freedoms, offering expertise in various legal areas. From legal consultation to legal representation, the Tunisian lawyer guides his clients through the complexities of Tunisian law.
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A Law Firm in Tunisia

The Ben Slama law firm in Tunisia is a multidisciplinary firm co-founded and managed by the Ben Slama brothers: Sofiene and Sabri
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icone pour la loi

A rigorous legal approach

Strategy is at the core of every legal service we provide as lawyers in Tunisia. This enables us to offer our clients a comprehensive perspective and legal solutions tailored to their issues.
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icone pour le ciblage

Our ambition

We aim to meet all the needs of our clients. Our lawyers in Tunisia possess the competence and experience required to efficiently resolve their legal issues.
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icone pour la justice

Ethical Commitment of Our Lawyer in Tunisia

Our law firm in Tunisia places trust, integrity, and transparency at the forefront of our relationships with our clients. Every interaction with our lawyers is based on impeccable professional ethics.
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icone pour la devise

The currency of Our Law Firm

The currencyof our law firm in Tunisia, Ben Slama, is based on the values of excellence, efficiency, and speed.
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avocat d'affaire en tunisie


Lawyer in Tunisia: Ben Slama Lawyer

The Ben Slama Law Firm stands out as a leader in the field of business law in Tunisia. With many years of experience to our credit, our firm has specialized in various areas, including the rights of Tunisians abroad, expatriates in Tunisia, and investments in the country. Our commitment to our clients goes beyond mere legal counsel. We also strive to vigorously represent them in court, actively protecting their interests.

At Cabinet Ben Slama, we go the extra mile to support our clients throughout their legal journey. Our team of experienced lawyers is dedicated to providing exceptional legal services, offering customized solutions tailored to each situation. Whether you are a Tunisian abroad looking to protect your rights, an expatriate in need of assistance in Tunisia, or an investor considering opportunities in the country, our firm is here to provide you with professional and competent support to navigate the complex world of business law in Tunisia.

Our skills

The legal expertise of our Lawyers in Tunisia

icone d'expertise juridique

Business Law

Versatile legal expertise for your diverse needs: company formation, contracts, litigation, intellectual property, and real estate.
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icone de voyage

Tunisians Abroad

Tailored comprehensive legal solutions to assist Tunisians residing abroad with their specific legal needs
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icone de localisation

Expats in Tunisia

Dedicated guidance for expatriates living in Tunisia, providing support in legal matters related to their stay.
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Law Firm:
Your Questions - Our Answers

Becoming a lawyer in Tunisia is a rigorous and demanding process that ensures the quality and integrity of lawyers in the country. In fact, to practice this profession, it is imperative to be registered in the official list of lawyers. This registration is subject to various strict criteria established by the Higher Institute of the Legal Profession. Candidates must:

  • Legally reside in Tunisia for at least 5 years and be of Tunisian nationality. This condition ensures a commitment to the country and its laws.
  • Be between 20 and 50 years old to be eligible for lawyer training in Tunisia. This ensures that candidates are in an appropriate age range to assume their professional responsibilities.
  • Hold a Certificate of Aptitude for the Legal Profession issued by the Higher Institute of the Legal Profession to attest to the legal and ethical skills of these candidates.
  • Possess a diploma equivalent to the Tunisian Certificate of Aptitude for the Legal Profession for former magistrates to practice law.
  • Have no legal issues to ensure their professional integrity and reliability.
  • Undergo practical training for a period of 2 years or more by trainee lawyers. This allows these future lawyers to gain real experience in the field, observe legal procedures up close, and work alongside experienced lawyers.

Then, to start their professional practice, all lawyers in Tunisia take an oath before the Court of Appeal. This oath symbolizes their commitment to justice, ethics, and human rights. Moreover, it is a solemn moment that marks the beginning of their career as fully qualified lawyers.

It is also important to note the central role of the Higher Institute of the Legal Profession in the training of future lawyers in Tunisia. It organizes internships, seminars, and study days to enhance

To select the right lawyer in Tunisia, there are essential steps to follow. First and foremost, you must clearly define your specific legal needs. Whether you need assistance with a commercial dispute, a divorce, or any other legal matter, precisely identify what you expect from your lawyer. This will help you seek a professional who specializes in the relevant field. Once your needs are identified, look for lawyers who specialize in the area that concerns you. For instance, if you are dealing with a business law issue, search for a lawyer with proven expertise in that field, as they are better equipped to understand the nuances of your particular case.

In addition to an individual lawyer's expertise, also examine the resources of the firm they are affiliated with. A firm with adequate resources can provide additional support, expert advice, and in-depth analysis to strengthen your case.

Next, check online reviews and ask for references. A well-established lawyer with an excellent reputation is more likely to provide you with quality service. Furthermore, verify the lawyer's language skills to ensure clear and barrier-free communication, which is essential for a thorough understanding of your case.

Before making your final decision, meet potential lawyers in person. This meeting will give you the opportunity to assess their personality, professionalism, and commitment to your case. Ask relevant questions and make sure you feel comfortable working with them.

From the outset of your collaboration, discuss fees. Some lawyers charge hourly, while others work on a flat-fee basis. Understand the fee structure and any potential additional costs to avoid financial surprises.

It is worth noting that transparent and smooth communication is essential in any successful relationship with your lawyer in Tunisia. Therefore, ensure that the attorney you choose is accessible and responsive. This way, you can stay informed about the progress of your case and ask important questions at any time.

The legal profession in Tunisia has a rich and complex history, shaped by political, social, and economic events. Indeed, this noble profession has deep roots in the country's legal history. However, it was officially recognized only in 1887 during the French protectorate. Tunisia's legal system incorporated elements from the Beylical, French, and French military tribunals.

Lawyers played a crucial role in the struggle for independence and continued to be key players in the Tunisian judicial system after gaining independence in 1956. This inspired many young Tunisians to pursue careers in law, driven by a strong sense of duty and a fervent desire to contribute to their society. As a result, the number of lawyers in Tunisia increased from 1,400 in the 1990s to 8,000 in 2011.

However, the Tunisian bar members experienced internal divisions, pitting those perceived as collaborators with the authorities against those defending justice. Despite these challenges, lawyers maintained their crucial role in Tunisian society, as evidenced by their active involvement in the mobilization around lawyer Mohamed Abdou and the popular protests of 2011.

The 2011 revolution in Tunisia brought significant changes to the political and legal landscape. The emergence of the Higher Institute of the Bar opened opportunities for law graduates, albeit with restrictions such as a ban on trainee lawyers opening their own practices or engaging in other incompatible professions under penalty of sanctions. Concurrently, the Tunisian government introduced important reforms to strengthen the independence of the judicial system. These reforms included immunity for lawyers during pleadings and a one-term limit of three years for presidents and the bar association president. Moreover, the National Order of Tunisian Lawyers (ONAT) continuously advocates for a non-political judiciary and emphasizes fair trials for all, with the aim of establishing impartial justice in the country.

The evolution of the legal profession in Tunisia demonstrates its adaptability and resilience in the face of political and social challenges. Today, lawyers continue to play an essential role in defending citizens' rights and actively contribute to the establishment of a just and equitable society.

Lawyers in Tunisia offer a diverse range of crucial services for businesses, each tailored to the specific needs of the client company. The costs associated with these services vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the lawyer's reputation, and the size of the company. Additionally, fees may depend on the type of case, whether it's related to commercial law, disputes, or legal counsel. In general, a business lawyer in Tunisia charges hourly fees or offers packages for specific services. Some of the most requested services include:

  • Initial legal consultation, which allows entrepreneurs to understand the legal implications of their actions and make informed decisions to establish a solid foundation. The fees for this consultation usually range from 200 to 800 TND.
  • Drafting solid contracts is the cornerstone of any successful business transaction, protecting your interests. Fees for contract drafting vary between 500 and 2,000 TND, depending on the contract's complexity (sales, partnerships, leases, etc.).
  • For dispute resolution services, whether through negotiation, mediation, or legal proceedings, the associated costs depend on the duration and complexity of the case and can range from 1,000 to 6,000 TND.
  • Strategic tax advisory services that help businesses optimize their taxation in compliance with the current laws can range from 800 to 2,000 TND per consultation.
  • To register and protect your trademarks, patents, and copyrights, you can engage a business lawyer in Tunisia to safeguard your intellectual property, with fees of up to 3,000 TND per registration request.
  • Finally, fees for highly sought-after services like employment contract drafting and other aspects related to employee management can vary from 1,000 to 4,000 TND.


Consider these fees as an investment in the legal protection of your business in the Tunisian and international markets.